Would love to start posting more ICR game photos! If you have something interesting that you would like to share, please email to Philip@newtek.com.
I’ll get them posted right away!
Happy Hunting,
Philip Nelson
Would love to start posting more ICR game photos! If you have something interesting that you would like to share, please email to Philip@newtek.com.
I’ll get them posted right away!
Happy Hunting,
Philip Nelson
1. two 5 by 9 foot gates …… $ 20 each
2. ¾ ton pickup bed trailer with 500 gallon tank $75
For more information contact:
Dear ICR Landowners,
I hope you have all had a safe and successful hunting season. If you haven’t already, please submit your harvest information to Randy Wood. This information is extremely useful in our overall Management Plan for the ranch. You can also send the information to me and I will make sure Randy gets it.
As an Edwards County landowner, you should have received by now a letter from the Edwards County Appraisal District (ECAD)on the requirement to submit your Annual 1-D-1 Wildlife Report form to them by January 31, 2012. In addition to the report, they are requesting “supporting documentation of the management practices you have used over the last year.” Failure to submit the report could cause denial of the special valuation.
The guidelines they will use to assess the annual reports are available on the following website (provided by ECAD):Http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/landwater/land/private/agricultural_land/ (click on the Edwards County and Cross Timbers &Prairies region)
Appendix A contains the Guidelines they will use, and Appendix U contains the Wildlife Management Plan and 1-D-1 Annual Report forms.
As in years past, documentation is the key to success when you are submitting your annual report.
Best Regards,
Mike Hoffman
Indian Creek Landowners Association
We would like to remind you about the annual landowners meeting on October 1, 2011 (first day of Archery Season) 11am-2pm at the Airstrip.
Today the Associated Press published an article entitled, “Texas drought will harm wildlife habitat for years”.
As the state struggles with the worst one-year drought in its history, entire ecosystems, from the smallest insects to the largest predators, are struggling for survival. The foundations of their habitats – rivers, springs, creeks, streams and lakes – have turned into dry sand, wet mud, trickling springs or, in the best case, large puddles.
“It has a compound effect on a multitude of species and organisms and habitat types because of the way that it’s chained and linked together,” said Jeff Bonner, a wildlife biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
There have been reports in Edwards County of doe abandoning their fawns due to lack of food and water. It’s very important for land owners at Indian Creek to make sure that their water toughs are working and that you are putting out the necessary feed to help protect the wildlife of Indian Creek Ranch.
Read the entire article HERE
Dear Indian Creek landowners,
This is just a reminder that our Annual Meeting will be October 2, 2010 at the airstrip starting at 11am (till roughly 2pm).
As we have done in the past, this will be a potluck event so bring your favorite dish and beverage. The Association will provide cooked meat (Brisket and hamburgers) as well as condiments. The grill will also be started at 10:30 in case you want to bring your own meat.
We have invited the following guest speakers, however not all of them have confirmed that they will be able to attend.
Ryan Smidt (Texas Parks Wildlife Department)
Scott Holly (local Game Warden)
Sylvestre Sorola (Wildlife Biologist)
Air Evac Life Team (Emergency Evacuation Team)
Our Agenda for the meeting will include the following:
Landowner Tags
Caliche Pits
Association wide WMP
Gate Combo Change
Census Results/ Harvest Recommendation
Elk situation
Financial report
If you have any questions or think of another issue that you feel should be discussed please contact me.
See you October 2 !!!
Mike Hoffman
ICR Association President