Time to submit your 1-d-1 for 2011

Dear ICR Landowners,


I hope you have all had a safe and successful hunting season. If you haven’t already, please submit your harvest information to Randy Wood. This information is extremely useful in our overall Management Plan for the ranch. You can also send the information to me and I will make sure Randy gets it.


As an Edwards County landowner, you should have received by now a letter from the Edwards County Appraisal District (ECAD)on the requirement to submit your Annual 1-D-1 Wildlife Report form to them by January 31, 2012. In addition to the report, they are requesting “supporting documentation of the management practices you have used over the last year.” Failure to submit the report  could cause denial of the special valuation.


The guidelines they will use to assess the annual reports are available on the following website (provided by ECAD):Http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/landwater/land/private/agricultural_land/  (click on the Edwards County and Cross Timbers &Prairies region)

Appendix A contains the Guidelines they will use, and Appendix U contains the Wildlife Management Plan and 1-D-1 Annual Report forms.


As in years past, documentation is the key to success when you are submitting your annual report.


Best Regards,


Mike Hoffman


Indian Creek Landowners Association

Presidents Update – June 2009

Good news and bad. The Phase I pressure pump has been replaced and that well is now back in service. On the bad side, a large pressure tank has failed at the central pumping station – it will take almost 2 weeks to get it repaired. All of Phase III will be out of service, with some residents in Phases II, IV, and VI also impacted. This will be a very expensive repair (at least $3,000) and could impact some of the road work we planned to do this year.

On another note, we have had no nominees for Indian Creek Board positions. Although Robert Lenz has agreed to stay on as Treasurer, we do need someone to serve as President and Vice President. Although some folks have asked me to stay on, I simply won’t have the time this next year as we work to close Brooks Air Force Base here in San Antonio. I will be more than willing, however, to work with anyone who is willing to serve. I also don’t mind maintaining the address list for the Association.

Please let me know if you are interested in running. Thanks for your help!

Bill Wilson
The Owners Association at Indian Creek