Over the past year, I’ve watched the steady progression of Oak Wilt as it decimates ranches across the hill country. My friend Rolf Smith is just beginning to see it on his ranch in Fredericksburg, but from what I’ve seen in my drives to Rocksprings, it’s much worse just west of F’burg.
I occurs to me that as we move into the cooler months, some of our members might be inclined to buy firewood from grocery stores or from road-side vendors & thereby potentially transport the fungus or the beetles to ICR.
As a preventative measure, it might be a good idea to post a note on this topic, and to request that our members do NOT bring wood (particularly wood with the bark still attached) onto the ranch. We may not be able to prevent Oak Wilt, but we can cut off as many avenues for infestation as possible.
– Dan Himmerich